Braunton Bowling Club

Lawn & Short Mat Bowling in North Devon

SHORTMAT Rink Request Form.

Rule of 6 or 2 Households.

Each day split into 3 Sessions of 90 minute slots.

You will be entered into the first free 90 min slot of the Day & Session you selected.

Slots ordered by email arrival timing.

One person who can open the club house & operate the alarm is required for each session.This may mean a session cannot be run if such a player isn't available. If you are a keyholder please also select that option. Entries are uploaded to the Website nightly (usually).

If oversubscribed your entry will be carried forward to the same day & session on the next week.

If you can't attend use the cancellation page.


Some required fields are missing. Please review the form and submit again.

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